I’ve got some information that might come as a bit of a bombshell. If you’re renting, you’ve got rights – and that includes when you’re going through the tough times of bankruptcy. It’s not exactly a walk in the park, but knowing what you can do to keep yourself and your home safe is absolutely crucial.

Listen, I know it’s tough when you’re going through bankruptcy, but here’s the thing – your landlord can’t just toss you out on the street or pretend like nothing’s happening. The law’s got your back, and I’m here to break it down for you. Let’s work together to figure out the next steps so you can face this challenge head-on and come out stronger on the other side.

What Happens When a Tenant Files for Bankruptcy?

When a tenant files bankruptcy, it’s a game-changer. Everything shifts.

Automatic Stay

The moment that bankruptcy petition is filed, an automatic stay goes into effect. It’s like a force field that protects the tenant from any collection activities, including eviction proceedings. This stay remains in place until the bankruptcy court grants relief or dismisses the case. It’s a powerful tool for tenants facing financial difficulty.

Bankruptcy Court

When a tenant files bankruptcy, the landlord-tenant relationship gets more complex. The bankruptcy court steps in, and both parties need to navigate this new legal landscape. As a landlord, I’ve seen firsthand how important it is to seek professional guidance in these situations. The stakes are high, and the rules are different in bankruptcy court.

Bankruptcy Filing

Most tenants who file bankruptcy do so under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the bankruptcy code. It’s a way for them to restructure or discharge their debts and get a fresh start. But here’s the thing: a tenant bankruptcy doesn’t just affect their personal finances. It can also have a major impact on their lease agreement and their relationship with their landlord.

Bankruptcy Petition

When a tenant files that bankruptcy petition, it’s not just a formality. It sets off a chain reaction that affects everyone involved – the tenant, the landlord, and even other creditors. As a landlord, you need to be prepared. You need to understand your rights and obligations. And you need to be ready to navigate the bankruptcy process to protect your interests.

Types of Bankruptcy Claims

Not all bankruptcy claims are created equal. When a tenant files bankruptcy, their debts are divided into different categories – and each category is treated differently.

Secured Claims

If you’re a landlord and you have a security deposit from your tenant, congratulations – you may have a secured claim in their bankruptcy case. That security deposit acts as collateral, giving you a priority interest in those funds. It’s like a golden ticket that puts you at the front of the line when it comes to getting paid.

Unsecured Claims

Most landlords in a tenant bankruptcy case aren’t so lucky. If you’re owed past-due rent or have damages that exceed the security deposit, your claim is probably unsecured. That means you don’t have any special priority. You’re just another creditor waiting in line, hoping to get paid. And in most cases, unsecured claims are paid out at a reduced rate – or not at all.

Administrative Claims

But wait, there’s a third category: administrative claims. If your tenant keeps living in the rental property after filing for bankruptcy, any rent that comes due during that time is considered an administrative claim. The good news? Administrative claims have priority over unsecured claims. The bad news? They have to be paid in full if the tenant wants to keep the lease. It’s a double-edged sword.

How Does Bankruptcy Affect a Tenant’s Lease?

When a tenant files for bankruptcy, their lease agreement is suddenly up in the air. They have a choice to make: assume the lease or reject it.

Tenant Assumes the Lease

If the tenant decides to assume the lease, it’s not as simple as just saying “I’m keeping it.” They have to cure any defaults, make up for any losses to the landlord, and prove they can keep up with the rent going forward. It’s a big commitment. But if the tenant can pull it off, they get to keep living in the property under the same lease terms as before.

Tenant Rejects the Lease

On the flip side, the tenant can choose to reject the lease. It’s like saying “thanks, but no thanks” to the rental agreement. If that happens, the tenant has to move out. And the landlord? They’re left with a claim for damages from the early termination. But here’s the kicker: that claim is treated as an unsecured claim in the bankruptcy case. It’s like adding insult to injury.

Landlord’s Rights During Tenant Bankruptcy

As a landlord, a tenant bankruptcy can feel like a punch in the gut. But you’re not powerless. You have rights – you just need to know how to use them.

Automatic Stay

That automatic stay we talked about earlier? It’s a double-edged sword for landlords. On one hand, it stops you from continuing or starting an eviction. On the other hand, it also stops you from collecting past-due rent or engaging in any other collection activities. If you want to take action against your tenant, you’ll need to get permission from the bankruptcy court first. It’s a hoop you have to jump through, but it’s not impossible.

Rent Payments

Just because your tenant filed for bankruptcy doesn’t mean they get to live rent-free. If they want to keep living in the property, they still have to pay rent. If they don’t, you may be able to get relief from the automatic stay and start the eviction process. But it’s not automatic – you have to go through the proper channels.

Late Payment Notices

Here’s a tip: if your tenant has filed for bankruptcy, think twice before sending those late payment notices or trying to collect past-due rent. The automatic stay puts a halt on all that. If you want to take action, you need to get the green light from the bankruptcy court first. Trust me, it’s not worth the risk of violating the stay.

Dealing with a tenant bankruptcy can be overwhelming, especially if you’ve never been through it before. But with the right knowledge and strategy, you can come out on top.

Understanding Bankruptcy Law

The first step is to educate yourself. Bankruptcy law is complex, and it’s easy to get lost in the weeds. But if you take the time to understand the basics – like the different types of bankruptcy, the automatic stay, and the claims process – you’ll be better equipped to protect your interests.

Communicating with the Bankruptcy Court

When your tenant files for bankruptcy, the court becomes your new best friend. You’ll need to file a proof of claim, object to the treatment of your claim, and maybe even seek relief from the automatic stay. It sounds daunting, but it’s all part of the process. The key is to stay on top of deadlines and keep the lines of communication open with the court and the tenant’s attorney.

Protecting Your Interests

At the end of the day, your goal as a landlord is to protect your interests. That means keeping a close eye on the bankruptcy case, showing up to hearings, and being proactive about asserting your rights. It also means being open to compromise. In some cases, it may be in your best interest to work out a deal with the tenant rather than fighting it out in court. The bankruptcy process is all about give and take. If you’re willing to be flexible and creative, you may be surprised at the outcome.

Key Takeaway: 

When a tenant declares bankruptcy, it shakes things up big time. From the get-go, an automatic stay freezes evictions and collections against them. Landlords then have to navigate through bankruptcy court rules, which are pretty different from usual. Tenants can either stick with or ditch their lease, affecting landlords’ claims on rent due or damages. While this might seem like a landlord’s nightmare, you’ve still got some moves – understanding your rights is key.


Tenant rights and bankruptcy – it’s a complicated mix, but you’re not alone in this. By understanding your rights and taking the right steps, you can protect your interests and find a way forward. With a solid understanding of the steps involved and a supportive team in your corner, you’ll be able to tackle this challenge head-on. Don’t hesitate to schedule a free consultation with The Law Office of William Waldner to get a better understanding of your rights and options in bankruptcy. 
