New York City Bankruptcy Attorney | NYC Law Office of William Waldner


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Bankruptcy Lawyer New York NY


Which debts are dischargeable in bankruptcy?

Recent job loss, mounting medical bills or perhaps some other unexpected money problem is taking control of your life.  You can’t pay; you’re sinking in debt through no fault of your own, and are desperately in need of a fresh start.  You have done your homework, and you know that bankruptcy is the best option […]

Should my corporation file bankruptcy?

Probably not. Generally speaking, our clients with single owner corporations and LLCs are better served by filing for personal bankruptcy than corporate bankruptcy.  Many consumers are not aware that personal bankruptcy will help rid them of most business debts and the personal guarantees tied to the business they are closing. By and large filing for bankruptcy […]

Is the bankruptcy means test necessary for me?

The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 created the bankruptcy means test as a way to prevent abuse of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy system.  The means test is a formula devised to restrict bankruptcy petitioners with higher incomes from wiping out their debt entirely under Chapter 7 when they could be repaying […]

Should I represent myself in NYC bankruptcy court?

The U.S. Courts might say it best on their website.  “While individuals can file a bankruptcy case without an attorney or “pro se,” it is extremely difficult to do it successfully.” Filing for bankruptcy in New York is very complicated.  Most attorneys will agree it is generally a bad idea to go it alone in […]

Can creditors legally call me after bankruptcy?

You recently filed for bankruptcy thinking it would eliminate your debt and bring you a financial new beginning, but the creditors are still calling, and won’t leave you alone even though they know you have filed. The phone keeps ringing at home, and now they are even calling you at work.  You feel frustrated and […]

Is my New York City shopping spree dischargeable in a bankruptcy?

One last splurge on 5th Avenue? A final blow-out at Lord and Taylors or Saks? Many consumers are tempted to rack up their credit card debt in a last frenzy right before filing for bankruptcy. Seeing as they are going bankrupt anyway, they may see it as a good idea to take their debt to […]

What is the most common profession that files for bankruptcy in New York City?

Any consumer regardless of occupation can be driven to the point of bankruptcy if hit by the perfect financial storm. Unexpected medical expenses, overextended credit, income reduction and divorce continue to drive most bankruptcy filings. More bankruptcies are caused by these true financial hardships than by reckless or irresponsible spending, and bankruptcy filings tend to […]

What is the cost of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in New York City?

Chapter 7 is the most common type of consumer bankruptcy. It is the most straightforward bankruptcy filing, and is the option of choice for those with no assets. The cost for a chapter 7 filing varies with attorney fees and with the complexity of your particular case. Some will attempt to file for Chapter 7 […]

Do Bankruptcy attorneys accept payment in installations?

If you are considering a bankruptcy you are obviously experiencing some major financial hardships. You may have come to the conclusion that bankruptcy is the right course for you, but now realize you’ll have to find a way to pay for the bankruptcy too. Sadly, in this day and age many consumers feel too broke […]

Can my divorce obligations be discharged in a bankruptcy?

If you are divorced or recently separated from your spouse you may be wondering if the debts resulting from the judgments in your divorce can be discharged in a bankruptcy. As you weigh your bankruptcy options it is important to bear in mind that the judgments and agreements established in a divorce create the future […]