Ever felt like you’re trapped in a never-ending game of tag with debt collectors? Or maybe it’s more akin to standing at the edge of an ever-growing sinkhole, watching as your financial stability crumbles beneath you. This is what being slapped with a lawsuit can feel like.

You may be wondering: “Can I file for bankruptcy to stop this?”

The answer isn’t as simple as ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but rest assured that you DO have options! By reading on, you’ll get insights into how bankruptcy protection works and when it could serve as your knight in shining armor against lawsuits. You’ll also understand why sometimes even that shield might not fully protect you from certain legal actions.

Understanding Bankruptcy Protection

Filing for bankruptcy can be a frightening prospect, yet it is actually an effective means of aiding those who are overwhelmed by debt. It can be the life raft you need when drowning in debt – or when having a lawsuit filed against you. 

The Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy

Once you file for bankruptcy, an automatic stay kicks into gear. This legal shield prevents creditors from taking any further action to collect debts. That means no more phone calls, letters or lawsuits – at least temporarily.

The automatic stay is one of the key benefits of filing for bankruptcy. But remember – it doesn’t erase your debts; rather, it buys you some breathing room while your case progresses through court.

Exceptions to Automatic Stay Protections

In general terms, automatic stays put most collection actions on hold. Despite the protection of an automatic stay, some collection actions may still take place – such as child support and alimony proceedings or criminal prosecutions.

Certain types of civil suits and criminal cases aren’t stopped by the automatic stay – including child support and alimony proceedings or criminal prosecutions. If these apply to your situation, talk with a trusted attorney before making decisions based on assumptions about what bankruptcy protection does and doesn’t cover.

  • Note 1: Always consult an expert before making major financial decisions such as filing for bankruptcy.
  • Note 2: Remember: The goal isn’t necessarily to get rid of all debt (although Chapter 7 can do this), but rather to restructure it so payments become manageable again.
  • Note 3: Understanding the limits of bankruptcy protection is crucial to setting realistic expectations.

Bankruptcy and Foreclosure or Eviction Lawsuits

Filing for bankruptcy can give you a breather from foreclosure or eviction lawsuits. But remember, it’s just a pause button, not an off switch.

The moment you file for bankruptcy, an automatic stay kicks in. It’s like a force field protecting you from your creditors—they can’t sue, garnish wages, or even call to ask about money owed while this is active.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: A Lifeline?

In some cases, filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy might seem like the perfect lifesaver. It wipes out most of your debts—credit card balances gone. Medical bills vanished.

But there’s more to the story because secured debts like mortgages aren’t included. If lenders have started foreclosure due to missed payments on these types of loans and if you’re unable to catch up quickly enough after declaring bankruptcy…well let’s say they’ll get back at it once the stay lifts.

Moving Forward with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

This is where Chapter 13 bankruptcy enters the picture—it lets us reorganize our debt into manageable chunks that we pay over three-to-five years.

If we stick with our repayment plan throughout this period—we’ll keep all our assets intact—including homes on which we are catching up delayed mortgage payments during this timeframe.

A Temporary Shield

So, while bankruptcy can halt foreclosure or eviction proceedings momentarily, it’s not a cure-all. It’s more of a shield giving us time to get our financial house in order.

When a debt collection lawsuit presents itself, it doesn’t have to be an insurmountable obstacle. Yes, it’s daunting but you have options.

The Validity of Debt in Lawsuits

First off, make sure the debt is valid. You wouldn’t want to be chasing ghosts now, would you? It happens more often than you’d think. If a collector can prove that the debt is yours, things get real fast.

In such cases, consider asking for help from an expert. A debt defense attorney or bankruptcy attorney, for example. They know their way around these sticky situations and can guide you through each step.

The Role of Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Stopping Lawsuits

Then there’s bankruptcy – our ace up the sleeve when all else fails. Filing for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can put a halt to lawsuits. Even if a judgment has been entered against you.

This strategy isn’t just some legal loophole; it’s as American as apple pie. In the US Constitution, this concept is entrenched. 

Bankruptcy and Wage Garnishment

Lastly, let’s not forget about wage garnishments – those pesky deductions from your paycheck to repay debts. Bankruptcy can shield you against these too. It doesn’t matter if they’ve already started or are just looming on the horizon.

Remember, a debt collection lawsuit isn’t a dead-end road. With knowledge and expert guidance, you can navigate this financial maze successfully.


Dealing with a lawsuit is tough, no doubt. Yet you’ve learned that bankruptcy can sometimes be the light at the end of this dark tunnel.

The automatic stay in bankruptcy could offer some relief by halting debt collection lawsuits for a while. But remember, there are exceptions to these protections!

So can you file for bankruptcy to stop a lawsuit? You now know it’s possible – but not always guaranteed or permanent especially when dealing with foreclosure or eviction suits.

You’ve grasped the importance of validating your debts and how Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcies can help halt even ongoing wage garnishments.

Bottom line, handling money troubles and legal hassles just became a breeze! It’s high time you took the reins and tackled your financial hurdles straight up. Contact The Law Office of William Waldner to discuss your options for filing bankruptcy to stop a lawsuit. 
