Ever felt like you’re on a sinking ship, water rushing in and all your precious belongings are at risk? That’s how many feel when facing bankruptcy. And while bankruptcy can be the fresh start you need, you may also be wondering what cash you get to keep. 

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the most common form of bankruptcy and it involves liquidating your assets to pay your creditors. However, you also need some resources to start fresh, including cash. 

Let’s uncover strategies for safeguarding your cash assets during this financial storm. You’ll learn about the critical role of exemptions and dive into federal versus state exemption laws.

The twists and turns can be disorientating but don’t worry – we’ve got an oar ready for you. Buckle up as we navigate these turbulent waters together.

Understanding Cash in Bankruptcy

When you’re facing financial ruin, you may be concerned if all your funds will be taken away. But don’t panic. Bankruptcy is not a straightforward situation.

The Role of Exemptions in Protecting Cash

In a game where cash is king, knowing how to protect yours can be crucial. That’s where exemptions come into play. In the context of Chapter 7 bankruptcy, for example, they allow certain assets (including some cash) to stay out of reach from creditors.

This magic trick is made possible by exemption laws – rules that determine which items are safe from being seized or sold off during a bankruptcy proceeding. If your cash qualifies under these laws, voila – it’s exempt.

The Distinction Between Exempt and Nonexempt Assets

If we consider this like a VIP party list, ‘Exempt’ means your asset has been given an exclusive pass; It stays with you even after filing for bankruptcy.

‘Non-exempt’, on the other hand? Well…those poor souls didn’t make the cut. They’re subject to seizure by the trustee assigned to your case who then distributes them among unsecured creditors — think credit card companies or medical bills left unpaid.

Most state exemptions aren’t very generous when protecting significant amounts of cash. However, you may be able to use a wildcard exemption to keep more of your money. Talking with an experienced bankruptcy attorney in New York will guide you in the right direction. 

When you’re wading through the complexities of bankruptcy, understanding exemption laws can feel like trying to learn a new language. Don’t worry, we’re here to help you make sense of these complex legalities. Let’s dive into these legal twists and turns together.

How State Exemption Laws Impact Your Cash

Exemptions are like lifeboats in the rough seas of bankruptcy. They let you keep some assets safe while everything else is up for grabs by creditors. The catch? What counts as an exempt asset, including cash, varies widely from state to state.

In fact, most states aren’t too generous when it comes to protecting cash during bankruptcy – that’s just the hard truth. Some, including New York, offer a lifeline called ‘wildcard’ or general personal property exemptions which might cover some of your greenbacks but usually not large amounts.

Federal Exemptions vs State Exemptions

You may be thinking “What about federal exemptions?” Good question. Federal law also provides its own set of exemptions. You could choose either federal or your state’s exemption laws depending on where you live and what works best for your situation.

The wildcard here is indeed the federal ‘wildcard’ exemption that allows you to protect any property (including cold hard cash) up to a certain limit beyond other specific allowances such as motor vehicle exemption or retirement accounts protection.

This game isn’t easy; it’s complex and rules change with each player (read: every single U.S state). So always remember this golden rule – get professional help if unsure.

Strategies for Protecting Cash in Bankruptcy

If you’re filing bankruptcy, protecting your cash might seem like a tough puzzle. But there are strategies that can help shield your money from the clutches of bankruptcy.

Utilizing Protected Accounts to Shield Cash

The first strategy is about using protected accounts. Yes, you heard it right. Your retirement account could be a safe haven for your cash during this stormy period. The vast majority of retirement accounts are considered exempt assets under bankruptcy exemption laws. This means they’re off-limits to the bankruptcy trustee and out of reach from unsecured creditors looking to get paid.

In fact, most people filing Chapter 7 or 13 keep all their money in such protected accounts. It’s not just an excellent way to protect cash but also provides a fresh start after getting through the murky waters of bankruptcy.

The Role of Secured Credit Cards in Protecting Cash

Moving on to our second strategy – secured credit cards. Sounds surprising? Well, let me tell you how these cards work wonders when it comes to protecting cash while rebuilding credit post-bankruptcy.

A secured card requires you put down a deposit which then becomes your line of credit (crazy right?). That means if things go south with repayments, lenders have something they can claim – lessening their risk and giving them more reason to offer such products even after someone files for bankruptcy.

This resource explains what a secured card is and how it works, but essentially they provide folks who’ve hit rock bottom financially with another chance at building credit. So, it’s not just protecting your cash but also setting the stage for a brighter financial future.


Bankruptcy doesn’t mean losing everything. You can protect your cash in bankruptcy if you know how to navigate the system.

Exemptions are your lifeline, they’re what keep a chunk of your assets safe from creditors. Understanding exempt and nonexempt assets is crucial here.

Your state’s exemption laws may not be as generous with cash, but there’s hope in wildcard or general personal property exemptions. Don’t forget federal exemptions either – these could offer additional protection.

Protected accounts like retirement ones can serve as sanctuaries for your money while secured credit cards might just be the shield that keeps it intact during this financial storm.

The journey through bankruptcy is rough but armed with knowledge and strategy, you have a fighting chance at safeguarding more than you thought possible! To learn more about filing bankruptcy in New York, schedule a consultation with the Law Office of William Waldner. 
